Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union--A for content, C+ for Delivery

President George Bush has won another one, and delivered a stunning State of the Union Address that hit at his critics and sent a message of freedom around the world and signaled that we will never surrender to terrorists.
And what a contrast you see, when the liberals and Democrats don't applaud for things like national security and actively seeking out terrorists to make our nation safer.
What struck me about the speech was the build up. Man, you should have seen Kelly O'Donnel on MSNBC, not just because she had a stunning red suit on, but because the way she pitched her story about the SOTU. She was almost giddy explaining how the president's polling numbers are down, he's losing a war in Iraq and how the whole GOP is in disarray because of his failed leadership and she says that Republicans are concerned about losing the House and maybe the Senate in off-year elections.
Thankfully this isn't the President that showed up tonight. The President provided a wish list, will there be a single moment or phrase? Yes, explaining to the citizens of Iran that we wish them freedom and pledge to be a friend.
It's good stuff, but the delivery still is lacking for President Bush.
The President's State of the Union Address, his 5th, brought some soaring rhetoric, but sadly he couldn't deliver it.
I wish Bush would have been involved in the theater in college or high school, just enough to give him an understanding of how to provide a bit of emotion.
Tomorrow, I have a tape recorded conversation between Judge Samuel Alito and his wife. You won't want to miss it.

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