Monday, September 03, 2007

R U Kidding?

They say when you're a hammer then everything looks like a nail.
I read the entire transcript of the police interview with Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) and now I wonder if resigning was the right thing to do?
Let's have some fun first.
First, it was wrong for him to be in a men's room, if you need to relieve yourself, it's always better to use the lady's room. That way there probably won't be any undercover police officers tapping their feet.
And, since there wouldn't be male officers in a lady's room, you wouldn't have to wonder if the next stall was merely listening to an iPod and that's the reason you're tapping their feet. Oh yeah, that reminds me of "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" and you begin tapping your feet because that's a great song.
Oh, oh, he's tapping his feet and moving them closer to yours--WHAT DO YOU DO?
"Dude, move you're foot!" would be your only retort if you were in a men's room, but if you're in a lady's room---this could be interesting.
But back to Sen. Craig----if a police officer is sitting in a men's room waiting for someone to tap their feet and getting paid for it---WHAT A COUNTRY!
I'd like to think the reason this particular officer is in an Idaho airport men's room, he's there because he did something so bad that he was banished from the street. I wouldn't think he volunteered? Or did he?
He also appears to be very good at mimicking homosexual bathroom behavior? Hmmmm. Certainly he isn't out cruising, is he? Let's hope not.
Perhaps Sen. Craig did those things, perhaps the police entrapped him and others. I hope not. Sadly it presents even more of a double standard. Why did Sen. Craig leave while others, mostly liberals, remain in office? Points to ponder....

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