Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome Autumn

Is that right? Autumn? Must be some sort of Latin influence with an 'N' after an 'M', but who cares.
I love the change in the year. From Summer to Fall, from Fall to Winter, Winter to Spring and Spring to Summer.
Today, celebrates the arrival of Fall.
After Labor Day, it's official arrival of the campaign season, and Fall reminds me of traveling the state helping great candidates with radio, newspaper and direct mail pieces to get people motivated to vote for good people who have put themselves out for public scrutiny.
I look out the window and still see the blossoms of the crepe myrtles, with the vibrate dark pink and other colors still in bloom. I wonder how they have lasted so long, but I'm glad they are here to greet Fall.
And while it's warm, we all know that there will be cooler nights because of the shortening of the daylight. As I wake up earlier and earlier (I guess there is something to the circadian clock) I find myself driving in darkness. Soon, after the change to Standard Time, I'll wake up and drive in darkness to work and drive in near darkness home at night.
And so it goes, another year, shortening the daylight ever more fast approaching Winter. Soon some of the holiest days for religions will arrive.
As the old year heads towards the New Year of 2008, I can't wait for 08!

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