Sunday, November 11, 2007

Seasons Change

The seasons and the temperatures change.
It's a particularly wonderful time of year, waking up early, and the time change coupled with cooler and downright cold weather makes me renewed.
Wearing jackets, vests and other clothing also helps you air out the clothes you have had stored since Spring. It's like having new clothes.
The celebration of Halloween, then Veterans Day and one of the best holidays ever-THANKSGIVING. Probably the best holiday of all is Thanksgiving. You don't have to buy any presents and you get to enjoy the cooler weather, food, family and friends.
I'm going to try something new for Thanksgiving this year, while I love smoked meats, others don't appear to like them, so I'm planning on pork tenderloin, but I haven't finalized the menu ideas just yet, maybe some mint, garlic and rosemary injected into the meat....hmmmm, that sounds good.

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