Sunday, February 03, 2008

John McCain-How It Happened

It was a mistake. A mistake compounded by other mistakes and the ripples were felt around the nation.
So what happened?
While the Republicans had some good candidates, there was a little wrinkle that really had an impact. Maybe it was a conscious decision by some to influence the race, you have to wonder.
But now, we have John McCain leading in the Republican primary after he won with interlopers from the independent ranks influencing the race.
In those states where it wasn't a closed primary: Republicans can only vote for Republicans and Democrats can only vote for Democrats; McCain pulled in independents who aren't necessarily conservative, voted for McCain, a not so conservative candidate.
In Iowa and New Hampshire independents are given free range to vote. Heck, in Iowa, if you show up at a caucus they aren't going to ask where you live, you get to show your support and that's that.
So in the key beginning states to declare a front-runner, McCain benefitted from non-conservatives in New Hampshire, then was able to eack out a win in South Carolina.
Who wanted independents to make my choice for a presidential candidate? Not me.

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