Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Who Cares?

Just exactly why are Iowa residents important? Or New Hampshire folks, what do they know that one common sense Oklahoman doesn't know?
What's happening is that Iowa has a caucus (popularity contest) where anyone can show up and cast a vote (registered to vote or not) to express their opinions. And in New Hampshire anyone can vote for anyone in an open caucus.
So these states make a decision and the rest of the nation makes note and perhaps---perhaps decides for those other political activists who wins the primary sweepstakes.
Does it make sense? Every state wants to think they are important, and these early states do make a significant change in perception for the rest of us.
These states get to influence thousands and perhaps hundreds of millions of voters before the real test of a primary where registered democrats vote ONLY for democrats and registered republicans vote ONLY for republicans.
Does it help? Perhaps it does. And while these are expensive, they do show a tenacity to the political process and after all, we want someone to be president who wants to be president, don't we?

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