Sunday, April 22, 2007

What's Next?

Wait for it......
So, what are you going to be talking about this Thursday over coffee?
Ever think about that?
I'll bet it's a combination of tornadoes and global warming.
It's Sunday afternoon, and it's been windy and dry. On Wednesday, meteorologists predict we could, could have a chance of severe weather. Want to guess?
Over the past month, what have we had to talk about? Global warming was big, then severe weather came and killed, then we had the dust up about the firing of U. S. Attorneys, then the Virginia Tech murders, then more Justice Department hearings, but I'm curious to see what will happen next.
I believe the Justice Department will continue to dominate the news because the media wants to destroy President George Bush and everything having to do with the international world war on terror.
They want Bush destroyed and they want to destroy Karl Rove.
They also want to destroy personal freedom and take away guns, that's why they will not correct the stories that indicated the gunman at Virginia Tech used high-capacity magazines, which hold the bullets for you gun haters out there, and probably won't change the story.
I saw the story, they indicated that the gunman is "beleived to have used high capacity magazines".
All indications are that the killer didn't use them, but the media is driving this story and they won't hear of themselves making a mistake. First order of journalism--never admit a mistake, blame the accuser.
The 24-hour media cycle has changed everything, and it must consume things to bremain relevant. They want to consume the president and freedom, and they will no doubt be talking about those things this coming week.
What's your guess?

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