Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Blackmail of 9,000 Earmarks

How does someone get a pass on everything boneheaded that he does? No, not me, Barack Hussein Obama?
He boldly says, "We will change Washington and stop earmarks."
Then signs, in a private ceremony a OMONOUS (sic) BILL with 9,000 earmarks.
Who gets to have it both ways?
The media lets him. Maybe they will take notice of this, but the biggest failure of the media isn't just this issue and the kid-gloves they treat this inexperienced chief executive.
The biggest failure? Thinking that government spending can help an economic recovery. It's never worked---instead it only creates more government and more spending and hard-wires bigger government. The WORST PART? These government programs are like heroin. The money is here this year, but if you want to keep these jobs, raise taxes at the local level to pay for them. In Detroit, 25 new police officers graduated from the police academy. They will get paid for a year-----next year, you're on your own. That's when the blackmail starts. To keep these police officers on the job--you must raise your's liberal fiscal insanity.

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