Sunday, March 01, 2009

Higher Taxes, Bigger Government, Huge Deficits!

I'm a conservative. I like lower taxes, less government and low debt. Sadly, the president elected in November, disagrees with all those goals.
He is a liberal, tax hiking, big government growing, huge deficit supporter---and he's wrong.
He is part of the liberal crowd that always lives in crisis--think about it--the Democrats always use a crisis as the reason to act and raise taxes--they call them investments--and grow government to "fix" a problem that will fix itself in 6 months.
Spending more money makes no sense. In fact, the "hot rhetoric" talking about the worst economy since the great depression doesn't help.
The dangerous energy policy being proposed with a government takeover of the energy industry and the takeover of the health care industry is terrible news.
Maybe that's why they are proposing HR 45 to demand federal licenses for guns?
These boys in power right now--liberals and democrats--DON'T GET IT.
The American people do get it and for a guy who won a close election to drive so fast into a left ditch doesn't make anyone happy.
I HOPE Obama will CHANGE and butch up for the next few years because if he remains heading in this direction, he's treading a dangerous path for our Republic.

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