Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kum Ba Ya--Great for Campfire Songs, Not Foreign Policy

Was the European "ordination" the media gave Barack Obama misplaced?
Could be. It seems BHO was wanting to ask forgiveness for America's short comings and sins. He explained how the actions of the U. S. were sometimes missteps. One must wonder if that included the world wars, the Berlin Airlift, the destruction of the Soviet Union or not?
It was the community organizer in chief who asked the European Commnity, "Can't we all just get along?"
Then, North Korean Despot Kim Jung Il launched a rocket. Barack says the United Nations must act. The international community must stop these types of actions. Iran is building nuclear reactors that could create nuclear weapons and Somali Pirates are hijacking American ships and Barack says, the United Nations must act. .
Maybe the UN must act, because Barack plans on underfunding our military to pay for his massive spending and borrowing plan and big-government takeover of business that HE thinks may get the economy going again? He's wrong, the economy must fix itself, but I digress.
Idealism is one thing, but reality is a bit more certain.
The reality is North Korea and Iran are dangerous, didn't a recent president say they were part of the axis of evil? Yeah, he did,thanks Pres. Bush for telling it like it is.
But our new young inexperienced president believes "we can all just get along" if the U. N. gets involved. The same U. N. that passed more than 20 resolutions demanding Saddam Hussein stop building dangerous weapons and killing his citizens? That didn't work either.
Kum Ba Ya is a campfire song children sing, sadly, our new, young, inexperienced president thinks it's a great foreign policy plan. We have already found the truth, and singing won't solve these problems, a strong America will.

1 comment:

Skip Mendler said...

Mere strength is not enough for a foreign policy either. As any fitness expert will tell you, you also need flexibility and endurance. And as any sensei will tell you, to defend yourself effectively you need to be able to maintain a calm, centered readiness, and understand when the moment requires action and when it does not. We spent eight years stomping around with our chest puffed out, and it didn't get us very far.

And as far as Obama being a "Kumbaya" kinda guy, just ask the folks in Afghanistan and Pakistan who are getting hit by our drones how "Kumbaya" they think he is.