Thursday, August 21, 2008

French Kissing Candidates

Wow, who would have thought Barack Hussein Obama would be faltering in the polls and the media would be trying to buck him up. Especially after the, let's fact it, French kissing the media has been doing with Barack for the past year.
It's really embarrassing to see this fawning from the media. And it seems to reinforce the love-fest the national media has with Barack. Despite all the effort, as I write this missive, Barack has lost a narrow lead and now trails Sen. John McCain in the most recent polls. Heading into a national convention and announcing his Vice President soon, Barack could be way out in front if the media could ONLY convince people to support this inexperienced--let's face it--socialist. If you disagree with someone because of the policies they support, you are a conservative and oppose policy issues. Some Democrats are liberals and support more government programs, more government spending and higher taxes. As a conservative, I support fewer government programs, less government spending and lower taxesss.
I disagree with Barack on many issues, but mostly because he lacks the experience to be president. Hey, Barack, just a reminder, abortion is bad and if you are president every decision is within your paygrade.

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