Thursday, January 03, 2008


Iowa voters get first shot at helping select a candidate, and the democrats chose Obama and the Republicans chose Huckabee.
The democrat field was a mish-mash over the past few weeks, Hillary had believed being a former first lady and having Bill around would make her the choice for the next nominee, but a funny thing happened in Iowa. No one likes to be told to vote a certain way, and voters felt that's what was happening. Hillary is shrill and comes off as cold and irritating, and her positions on issues were causing concerns with voters so much that she stopped taking questions! How could she?
John Edwards, the trial lawyer and former senator started to catch fire and placed second.
On the Republican side, Mike Huckabee is a good politician. His top rival, Mitt Romney is losing steam because people don't think he has been conservative enough for enough time. When he was Governor, Romney wasn't much of a gun rights guy or much of a pro-lifer, but he changed. It's a good thing, but it comes off as opportunistic to take positions and then change them.
So, what does it mean? It means the crop gets thinned, and folks on other states don't get to have the impact of the Iowa caucuses have. Too bad, I was beginning to think the presidential campaign would ever end.
While this isn't the end, and it isn't the beginning of the end, it is the end of the beginning.
Winston would be proud.

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