Sunday, October 08, 2006


I don't know if you had the opportunity to go to your State Fair, but I always try to go and this year's fair was the BEST EVER.
This year is Oklahoma's 100th Birthday, and it was also the 100th State Fair.
The exhibits were spectacular, the new cars, the jams and jellies, and all those things that people put together and deliver to the fair and win a ribbon on, you have to wonder where the whole idea came about.
The only down side to this State Fair was the fist fight between Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Phillips, who have battled it out for years for the Blue Ribbon in pickled okra competition. Everyone knew they were going to either place or show, and when the judge finally awarded the Blue Ribbon to Mrs. Armstrong--the fists flew. Both of the ladies are, shall we say, large boned women, and if the chairs on the podium hadn't been made of fiberglass, they would have been nothing but slivers after the altercation.
It's still hard to figure out who threw the first punch, but no charges were filed. Both women promised to behave themselves, until next year, anyway.
Despite the first fights, the midway (Bobo wasn't there, but a brash imitator called 'Soak the Bloke' manned the dunk tank) the midgets and freaks and all the other neat stuff was fun to see. Of course the food was great as always, and beverages were the best, and sharing it with special friends is always the best part.
I can't wait til next year's fair.

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