Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year

I got to fill in this week on SuperTalk 930 WKY for Mark Shannon. I had a great time.
It's a sure bet that no other radio station on the planet discussed the possibility that we should use human sacrifice to end the drought. The idea was to take the inmates on death row and execute one each day until the rain come. There was also discussion of asking our native tribes to begin the rain dances, we're ready to try anything to get it to rain and end the wild fires here.
There were some jerks who lambasted me because of my comments about Stedman Graham, Oprah Winfrey's boy-toy. I called him a "no-account house boy" which is pretty on the mark. He hasn't made an effort to make Oprah an honest woman, or maybe she doesn't want to marry him. Either way, I'm willing to do the same thing to live with the richest woman in the world of media. Oprah, I'm ready, pay me a million a year and I'll come and live with you, make your life wonderful, cook and clean and even give you foot massages.
Let me know. I'll let my wife down easy, the kids will be okay with it, I'm sure. Is it too early to talk about benefits and other perks, Oprah?
Call me, you know the number.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Here's wishing a Merry Christmas to all.
When you are out and about today, remember the fascination with the fact that stores are CLOSED.
What a concept. This is the one time of year when darn near everything is closed down. And that in itself is something to wonder about.
Perhaps this is the only day of the year when that happens on a widespread basis. And it forces us to sit and be quiet and to stop the hustle and bustle until the holiday is too quickly over and past.
I wonder if you have thought about what would happen if dead loved one came through the door loaded with gifts and wishing you a Merry Christmas! Would you be shocked? Or would you realize that the miracle of Christ can make anything happen?
I wondered about that this holiday and felt how it would be wonderful to have that happen. And I guess that's really what Christmas is about. When the Christmas song, "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" mentions ghost stories, I always wondered why. Now I know.
Merry Christmas and now let's celebrate Chanukah and the other miracle of the season.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Yes, There is a Santa Claus

I love it.
I love Santa Claus, one of my favorite Saints, Saint Nicholas. We celebrate his death on December 6th each year by leaving coins and candy in shoes left by the front door. Saint Nicholas who comes down the chimney isn’t some figment of an imagination. He’s the living legend of a real man, who helped real people more than 1700 years ago.
It was in what is now called Turkey where the young man grew up in a wealthy family and was made the Bishop of Myra. Kind and generous he would take presents to the needy and helped those in need.
Stockings and chimneys aren’t part of the legend but part of the fact of Saint Nicholas. Rather than have a man sell his daughter into prostitution to pay the dowry for another daughter, Saint Nicholas came to the rescue. Legend indicates that he threw a bag of money through a window, or down a chimney, to pay the dowry and save a young girl from prostitution. The bag of money landed in her stocking, which was hung by the chimney to dry.
Why is he so fond of children? The legend indicates Saint Nicholas stayed at an inn and had a horrifying dream that a crime by the innkeeper had taken the lives of some children. Saint Nicholas confronted the innkeeper and he confessed that he had killed his guests and put them in brine. There were three boys who were still in the casks and Saint Nicholas made the sign of the cross and they were restored to life.
Paying dowries by throwing money through windows, gave us stockings hanging by chimneys. Three children dead and brought back to life, could have given us elves, small men that help the Saint who brought them back to life.
Yes, there is a Saint Nicholas, he lives in me, and he’ll live in you, if you let him.

Christmas:The 2005 Version

Just imagine this story.
Mary is a 35 year old professional. Single and working hard to become partner in her law firm, she was floored when her doctor said the one word she feared the most-cancer.
This wasn't the breast modifier for cancer that is a statistical danger for most women, but more personal. Mary’s modifier was uterine cancer.
This cancer would threaten Mary’s ability to have children. While she wasn't married and had no prospects for a husband, she didn't want to give up on her dream of a family. Mary called her mother and her best friend to discuss her diagnosis and prognosis.
After a dinner and several bottles of wine a plan was decided. Mary would have her eggs harvested, her best friend’s former husband would provide the sperm, and Mary’s mother would carry the fertilized eggs in her uterus. The plan was to have lots of her eggs harvested, create a number of "fetuses" and then aggressively treat the cancer.
Mary’s employer wasn't sure about covering the medical costs of the procedures, but dealing with a lawyer, they felt it would be cheaper to pay this cost, than defend a possible lawsuit.
Is this a story from a wire service or website? Could be, but it's not science fiction because most of us have read, or seen TV specials promoting stories like this, "ripped from the headlines".
While this story is fiction, these types of scenarios are real. Just think how Mary’s child will smile when he or she finds out they were the product of an inspired evening of dinner and drink creating a maze of hoops to jump through to create them. No family support, just genetic engineering and science.
Some 2000 years ago, another Mary dealt with becoming pregnant out of wedlock in a different way.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Richard Pryor--One Darn Funny Guy

The first time I heard the N-word being said out loud was on a Richard Pryor record. I grew up in an Air Force family and it was totally integrated, our neighbors and friends were black and we never used the N-word. When I came back to Oklahoma when my father retired, I was shocked when my friends used the N-word. It made me feel bad that anyone would use that word especially in a negative way. Then along came Richard Pryor. He used the N-word like a stilleto that cut to the heart of the race issue and made us all think about the use of words. Perhaps Martin Luther King helped create a civil rights movement, but it was Richard Pryor who helped us realize that words don't mean as much as we thought they meant.
One funny guy, his records were Platinum and he used the N-word to make his point. Have you ever used the N-word? If you ever listened to Richard Pryor you have. Trying to do your best impression of this comic genius, everyone I know has a favorite bit from Pryor and a bunch use the N-word. So why can't we say it anymore?
The political correct society has invaded free speech, and the first amendment right lost.
In our progressive society, we are going backwards. We are becoming more acceptable of bad language and other moral failures, but we are becoming less tolerant of freedom of speech. Too bad. If we were more tolerant, we would be better off.
Richard Pryor could never be popular today. Neither could All in the Family. So when we think about being tolerant of others, we can know that in the future, the words we use can never match the ones of the past.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Yes, There is a Santa Claus

There is a Saint Nicholas.
Catholics have celebrated his life each December 6 for hundreds of years.
Born in the fourth century A D in Patara (Turkey) of wealthy parents, Nicholas was made a priest by his uncle the Archbishop of Myra. When Nicholas’ parents died, he gave all the money he had to the poor and went to Palestine. When he returned to Myra the legend tells us that the Archbishop of the seaport town had just died. No one wanted the job, and the local clergy decided that the first priest entering the church on the following morning would be made bishop. The first priest to walk through the door was Nicholas.
Saint Nicholas is famous for many gestures of generosity and miracles. Nicholas became the patron saint of sailors and travelers when on a voyage in the Holy Land, Nicholas is credited with calming a storm and saving the boat and all aboard.
There is also the story of bringing children back to life. It’s told that Nicholas found a case containing the bodies of three children, and after making the sign of the cross, rescued the children back to life. This story is part of the reason Nicholas is the patron saint of small children.
However, the rest of the story indicates that passage of time may have created that “miracle”. The story came about because an old woodcarving had what appeared to be the heads of three small children. This old woodcarving spurred the legend of resurrecting children, but further investigation reveals that the carving was of three bags of gold, which reflects Nicholas charity and generosity.
When a nobleman lost his savings, he would be forced to sell one of his daughters into slavery to pay for the marriage of his other daughters. When Nicholas heard this, he tossed a bag full of gold coins for each of the three girls into the home. Nicholas begged the father not to tell the girls where the money came from. Because of this act of charity, Nicholas became the patron saint of girls without a dowry.
It’s rumored he tossed the bags of gold over the fence, and they were caught in the laundry, or he tossed them down the chimney. That’s why children hang their stockings with care, to catch the presents from Saint Nicholas.
Now, Catholics celebrate Saint Nicholas Feast Day on December 6 around the world. To celebrate, children leave their clean shoes by the hearth or door to represent traveling. Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated by little presents and candy being placed in the shoes, that’s why chocolate gold coins are so popular this time of year. In Italy, they use socks, or stockings to gather their goodies.
While we bask in the glow of God’s greatest gift this Christmas, let’s remember those who lived as Christ did, like St. Nicholas. Yes, there is a Saint Nicholas. He lived more than 1600 years ago and still lives within each of us. Every time we think of Santa Claus, let’s remember that the legend of a jolly old elf in a red suit giving presents is the lasting legacy of a real person who did real things for real people.
Merry Christmas, and God bless us all, everyone.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Problem with Sports, Iraq and Roger Clemens

Roger Clemens is part of the problem with professional sports that makes fans former fans and could be part of the public relations problem President Bush has with the war in Iraq.
Let me explain.
Last year Clemens asked for $22 million last year and settled for $18 to play baseball in Houston. This year, he wanted the same deal with Houston without the pledge that he would play ball. Instead the Astros passed on Clemens and he could go play back in New York or be used as an expensive trinket for another pro team ready to pony up around $18 million a year.
This is a problem with sports, there is no dedication to a team. Think about classic baseball, you think of Oklahomans like Mickey Mantle, Bobby Murcer, Johnny Bench, and you associate them with a particular team. They didn't leave the team, the team left them. They had an allegiance to something that was bigger than money. Now, it's just about money for players.
This is the same thing that plagues our efforts in Iraq. There isn't any loyalty among most baseball players and professional athletes, and their isn't any loyalty to the "home team" efforts in Iraq.
We've had John Kerry, Howard Dean and Rep. Murtha all say we are heading for a disaster it's time to stop the war and bring our troops home. There is no commitment from the liberals to fight a war over there, and their is no commitment from some sports players to a team to see bad times through to victory.
Now, it's just political posturing and money, ask Terrell Owens.
I'm a proud member of TEAM USA. If the bad guys offered me 50 times my salary to pay to play for the other side, it would never work. It does for some, our guys who spy for the other side. It never happened in the past, but money talks to turncoats. Kerry and Company are doing it for power and could destroy the Democrats in the process, or bring about a new Democrat party to compete.
So it really boils down to character. Would you do anything for money? Sadly, the liberals and some big name sports players have decided they are nothing more than prostitutes for money or a chance at political power.
Around this time of year, when we remember the birth of Jesus and the sacrifice He made, it makes you wonder what would have happened if he wasn't the Son of God. Remember, Jesus was the one dedicated to doing what was planned, Judas was his betrayer, who like so many athletes, politicians and spies, just did what he did for the money.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A Day of Infamy

It was today, in 1941, when the Japanese, unprovoked, killed thousands of American sailors and marines without a declaration of war.
The USS Oklahoma was destroyed and 400 troops were killed that fateful day. Not an act of declared war, but one of terrorism.
Sound familiar? It should. When terrorists slammed airplanes into the World Trade Center, it was an unprovoked attack that killed thousands.
What would have happened if during the Viet Nam War if the North Vietnamese would have attacked America on our shores?
What would the reaction be? Unified disgust with the enemy, our would John Kerry and Jane Fonda continued to support the enemy and destroy the morale of our troops?
I guess that would be a bit different than Muslim terrorists, since the Japanese and Vietnamese troops, for the most part, wore uniforms that identified them as the enemy. Terrorists don't.
And now, the Democrat Party Chair(man) says we are in a war that we can't win.
Former Governor and Presidential candidate Howard Dean says we should give up.
What an outrage. I was worried about conservatives and the elections next year, but with Howard and others in the democrat party making statements like these, it's going to be tough for the liberal party to disconnect from these people who call our troops terrorists and say we can't win a war while American troops are engaged in a struggle to create freedom and help prevent more terrorist attacks on our shores.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Media Watching--What THEY Want

If you watched the Sunday shows, then you know what happened yesterday.
It was a constant bait and switch that is designed to keep President Bush off balance and give the Dems and Bush successors some sort of compass bearing.
Here's how it works, the media knew that President Bush would give the Strategy for Victory in Iraq last week at the Naval Academy, so last Sunday they started talking about what the President needed to do. "Senator, isn't it time that Mr. Bush (never call him president, that would show too much respect) came to the American people and showed charts and graphs about what is happening in Iraq and is successful?" asked the talking heads like Tim Russert with that serious looking scowl.
Then, when President Bush gives his presentation to the Naval Academy and Russert and others gloat because it seems like they caused the President to react to them.
As a follow up, Russert brings on Sen. McCain and changes the subject, you can't win with these guys, trust me, and they talk about torture, and if McCain is going to cut federal spending and end the deficits and run for president.
You gotta love these media guys because they get it. Sadly, few have enough guts to give up their media jobs and do the hard work of public policy by either working for a politician, or doing the tough work of running for public office.
Next time Russert asks someone if they are running for President, maybe they should ask him, "Haven't decided yet. Tim, are you thinking of running for President, or are you just going to continue complaining about the actions of every politician you have on your show?"
I think Russert wants to run for President, he just doesn't want to work that hard.